你的孩子 Are not your children 其实并非你的儿女 They are the sons and daughters 他们是生命的延续 Of life's longing for itself 他们继承的是生命的渴望 They come through you 他们经由你来到这世界 Not from you 而并非因为你来到这世界 Though they are with you 即便他们陪伴在旁 They belong to themselves 但他们并不归属于你 You may give them your love 或许你会给予他们所有的爱 But not your thoughts 但思想你给予不了 For they have thoughts of their own 只因他们拥有属于自己的思想 You may house their bodies not their souls 或许你能让他们的肉体得以寄居 而非灵魂 For their souls dwell 只因他们的灵魂 In a house of tomorrow 安放于未知的明天 Which you cannot visit 而你无从知晓更无从造访 Not even in your dreams 即便幻梦之境 You may strive to be like them 或许你不懈努力只为像他们这般 But seek not to make them like you 但不懈探索的目的并非是塑造你一般的他们 For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday 只因生命无法回放重来更无法执着昨日 You are the bows from which your children 你是弓箭 儿女便是你射出的箭 As living arrows are sent forth 一往直前的箭 The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite 弓箭手看到无尽之旅的箭靶 And He bends you with His might 他用尽力气将你拉开 That His arrows may go swift and far 他的箭急速向远方进发 Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness 让你心怀一丝愉悦 在弓箭手的手中弯曲吧 For even as He loves the arrow that flies 因为他爱一路飞翔的箭 So He loves the bow that is stable 也爱无比稳定的弓 Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness 让你心怀一丝愉悦 在弓箭手的手中弯曲吧 For even as He loves the arrow that flies 因为他爱一路飞翔的箭 So He loves the bow that is stable 也爱无比稳定的弓 |
Your children
[天地无极] On Children
· 发布于 2019-05-03 16:34
· 975 次阅读
沉默的兔子 发表于 2019-5-3 16:58 也不至于哦,老公人品好的话日子也好过的!我身边就有例子,公公是婆婆手里的枪 ,人前人后2副面孔但她们老公还不错 始终和老婆统一战线,公婆作就买房也有租房搬出去。过节或有事的时候回去一下 |