这个号属于比较正式的红V不算素人了吧,就不打码了。 |
[天地无极] 不懂就问,原来去电影节不需要有作品入围啊 ...
· 发布于 2019-04-30 01:52
· 825 次阅读
你们也不能说从某冰开始的,但你们这样说算对也不算对。这么说吧,去找个电影节要注册,每个人走的证件形式不一样,媒体证、市场证、电影节证这些好几种呢,这几种里面又分了不同类。可能大多数对这个也不清楚,然后有些媒体和明星也需要炒就搞得有人会误解。反正到时候通稿发了,普罗大众还是一翻而过,评奖什么的普通群众也说不上什么。也就看看各种通稿看看热闹。 |
东桥西望 发表于 2019-4-30 03:04 你说让我去戛纳官网看的于是我去了一下,看完官网的解释我更确定没作品即毯星的说法了,我贴一下: What do the “Red Carpet Steps” represent today? They are our flagship! No doubt they are the part of the festival that draws the most media attention. For the organisation, they represent above all an opportunity to give an initial and equally special welcome to both the world’s greatest film artists and emerging talent. They also represent an opportunity to honour the creativity of those artists on whom the Festival’s prestige depends. After appearing at Cannes, which boosts directors’ notoriety, the films often enjoy success at cinemas and festivals around the world. |
乖巧吃瓜少说话 发表于 2019-4-30 03:16 各取所需罢了。 |
八面修罗 发表于 2019-4-30 07:28 我说了我知道品牌邀请是商业站台,不过按照楼上的要求也去了戛纳官网看人家的要求。并没有说不该去,只能说去了是工作,以此为卖点到处宣传的就是毯星,因为你就不在人家欢迎的红毯人员之列啊,我再贴一下~ What do the “Red Carpet Steps” represent today? They are our flagship! No doubt they are the part of the festival that draws the most media attention. For the organisation, they represent above all an opportunity to give an initial and equally special welcome to both the world’s greatest film artists and emerging talent. They also represent an opportunity to honour the creativity of those artists on whom the Festival’s prestige depends. After appearing at Cannes, which boosts directors’ notoriety, the films often enjoy success at cinemas and festivals around the world. |
锤骚饼2019 发表于 2019-4-30 08:13 可能当时就胖冰的龙袍装yx的范围最广吧 ,恰好那时候hy也明争暗斗而她自己也没什么爆的角色,记得在hy的时候基本都是负面通稿 ,龙袍装后范爷标签出来了,最有印象的是qhl怼她 |
可臭的小丫头 发表于 2019-4-30 09:43 其实我想讨论的明明是图上“……外,”这个逗号后面那几位没作品还去的,想压压看后面会不会到处宣传走出国门啦为国争光啦,确定一下是完成工作的普通艺人还是yx炒作的毯星,结果都在说胖冰_(:з」∠)_……只能说不愧是带了二割的图,自带神隐功能…… |
没作品去混脸熟么 |
可臭的小丫头 发表于 2019-4-30 10:39 哈哈哈哈哈期待 还以为是去年的 因为前面有几位明星的图我吃瓜看过 |